INTERVIEW SECTION: Our interview is from a Lady Gospel singer and songs writer "Toyin Adeyi"
Event Section Special Holy Ghost night Unilag





Talking about the ministry of Jesus Christ on earth with His disciple s in human form, I mean imperfect but being perfect, doing wonders and performing miracles, the lame walked, the blind saw,  and the deaf heard, but when did the promise our Lord Jesus promised His disciples began to manifests  in their lives? We made to understand that immediately after they received Holy Spirit. Coming to the main topic, let takes a look how Jesus appeared to Paul formerly called Saul ,  if we study the book of Acts of Apostles Chapter 9, very well about this brother called Paul, we will discover that the way he saw our Lord Jesus Christ is different from the way His disciples saw  Him when He was on the earth with them, we learned that he saw Jesus Christ in a different glorious form to the extended that he could not behold His face, he( Paul) went blind for some days with out sight and not able to eat or drink anything, this indicate that our Lord Jesus Christ on earth the one John and the other Apostles walked with while on earth had be  more glorious than the one Paul saw when he still called Saul on his way to Damascus. Studying carefully the verse 5, “ I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,note He said “ It is hard for you to kick your foot against  Goads, if we look closely and study what is Goad in Hebrew word, it means Hard stone or brick, so this made us to understand that Jesus is not a man we read that walked on the earth, gentle and calmed, He is a different glorious and untouchable and powerful, that Saul glanced His sight and he became blinded immediately. The power of God or His angels isn’t something anyone can withstand when God is angry, if you notice the grace Saul had when he saw Jesus Christ in His powerful form is that, he immediately acknowledged His sovereignty , by saying who are thou “Lord”, compare it to king Herod, for king Herod did not gave glory to God, in Acts 12v 21-23, “Soon a set day Herod arrayed in royal apparel, sat on his throne and gave adoration to them, and the people kept shouting, the voice of god and not of man!!”Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died. Brethren because Paul was destined to be called as one of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, he was save, as what the book of Rom, 10v 9, says, “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be save. “Hallelujah.”










Jehovah Elohim is His name, the Lord that created all being, and His worthy to be fear and praise. He knows all His creation and He called them by name. As He told Jeremiah “before you were born I knew you and have called you by name, I adorned you to be a prophet onto my people.His people know Him and He always protect them. As we can see it in psalms 50v10-13, “For every beast of the forest is mine and cattle’s on the thousand hill I know all the fouls of the mountain, and wild beast of the field are mine, if I were hungry I would not tell thee for the world is mine and fullness there of, will I eat the flesh of the bulls or drink the blood of goat. Our God cares for His people and He want us to serve Him whole heatedly so we can be blessed by Him as His children.


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